What is Polysomnography (Sleep Study): Functions and Expectations

Polysomnography, also known as a sleep study , is a kind of test done to diagnose sleep scrutinized. Polysomnography is done at hospitals or sleep centers to treat the people who cannot sleep in the night and stay awake during their week shifts. These people are generally lethargic during the daytime and go for sleep treatments. Polysomnography is not only used for the diagnosis of sleep disorders but also done on the person. has been diagnosed with the disorder before. It contains a proper course of medications and other treatment methods to treat people properly. Why sleep study is done? It is a technology that studies the different stages and cycles of your sleep deprivation. It fixes the frequent episodes of your disrupted sleep. The general process of sleep study starts when rapid eye movement( REM) of a person becomes slow or gets out of working condition. The monitors and other equipment are used for fixing the sleepwalk cycle and other pattern...